Tag: Fungi

What we found on the Fungi Foray

  • 26th October 2024

Many thanks to SinCH members for contributing these photos. Our guide Richard is a local expert in pasture fungi and he has been checking the Cliffs area periodically over a long number of years and he has noticed that the waxcaps appear to be increasing and he suggests this is helped by the new grazing […]

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Join us on a Fungi Foray on Saturday 22 October at 2 PM. Meet by the railway bridge on the track that runs between St Stephen’s Church and Anson School. All welcome.

  • 20th October 2022

No need to book – just turn up. For those coming by car, parking is available on the car park accessed between the Memorial Hall and the Sports & Social Club. The track is more or less opposite the car park entrance.This was a very popular event last year and we’re delighted Richard will be […]

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