Plastic-Free/Recycling Coffee Morning – Wed. 21 December 10.30-12.00 Lamb & Flag, Little Haywood

Our Winter Solstice “hot spot” session

Can ancient traditions celebrating the Seasons of the Year be relevant and of benefit to a more Sustainable community?

All welcome.

Please pop along for a drink and cake and the chance to chat with people. Don’t forget to bring your hard to recycle items -for more information see details of hard to recycle items.

Nigel from Roots Larder will be in attendance and you can pre-order plastic-free goods, refills for household cleaning products, sustainable foods and a wide range of household and personal goods.

Please order on-line by 5pm on Monday 19 December and Nigel will deliver your order to the coffee morning or to your home on the day. To enjoy free delivery please – use code wed3rd.

Sharing premises with Roots Larder is Justine at Aroma by Tranquility – a natural health retailer specialising in home fragrance, essential oils, natural skincare and health products including sunscreens, deodorants, toothpaste and shampoo bars. Order on line at and Nigel also will deliver your items on the Wednesday.

Subject to availability, our Green Fingers supporters will bring along plants, seeds, seasonal vegetables/ fruits so please take some away with you (for a donation to SinCH funds) and please bring along any of your surplus to share.

For more information about the coffee morning, please see Our Activities web page.

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