Our Activities
We believe that it is important to bring people together to connect and have fun. We also want to encourage people to reflect, learn and make changes in their own lives and to engage with our lovely green spaces.
SinCH runs a regular coffee morning and we also organise activities such as Green Walks, talks and films and our AGM.
Finally, our members are active in helping improve biodiversity through the Parish Council’s Help Nature Thrive campaign.

Plastic Free Shopping & Recycling coffee mornings
We run a community event at the Colwich and Little Haywood Village Hall, Chilwell drive on the third Wednesday of the month between 10.30am and 12.00pm. Please come along for a chat and for drinks, etc:
- Enjoy drinks and cakes.
- Bring your difficult to recycle items (i.e. those which can’t go in the blue bins) – check the list of items taken here.
- You can also recycle old phones and computer equipment and we will pass them onto FreeIT – a local not-for-profit business which will wipe your details and upgrade the kit and pass them on to people who could not afford to buy new.
- We offer a selection of refills to save on plastic bottle use.
- Swap information about how to reuse, repair and upcycle.
- Find local plants and vegetables in season.
- Bring plants and seeds to swap.
For more information about the event please sign up for our emails.
We have also introduced a “hot spot” at each event for a quick 15 minute update and discussion on an aspect of Sustainable Living.
Other events
We offer a wide range of events including talks, evening socials and nature-themed walks and other events. In order to involve as mny peoepl as possible we try to organise walks and nature activities at weekends or in the evenings.
For more information please see our news page or sign up to our mailing list.

Help Nature Thrive
In March 2022 the Parish Council has asked SinCH to advise them on Sustainability in general and to help make their Green Infrastructure Plan happen.
This work has now developed into a local Help Nature Thrive campaign. For more details on this and how you can get involved please click here.
SinCH’s Open Evening and AGM
SinCH is a community-based association and functions as a network of individuals who support the group’s objectives. Our ethos is one of openness, inclusive co-operation and discussion. Every year we hold an AGM to report back on what we have been doing, to discuss what we might do in the future as well as being transparent about how we raise money and what we spend it on. The event may also have a speaker on a relevant topic.
Our 2024 AGM took place on 11 October – for more details please see here.