Bee Safari on Saturday 10th August at 13.00 to 15.00
Bat Walk Saturday 17th August at 20.30
Bee Safari – Saturday 10th August at 13.00 to 15.00
Meet at the entrance to Staffordshire Wildlife Trust Wolseley Centre (no need to book)

SinCH is repeating its popular Bee Safari so join local expert Ron for a guided walk to identify and explore some of the bee population. With luck we could spot up to 10 species including some of cuckoo bumblebees! No equipment is needed apart from some stout shoes.
All welcome so bring the kids or a friend – a £5 cash donation on the day in aid of the BumbleBee Conservation Trust please.
You can also find out more about how to garden for bees and other pollinators in our blog here.
For more info on bees generally check the BumbleBee Conservation Trust website and the key points from Ron’s SinCH Green Drinks talk back in 2022 here.
Bat Walk – Saturday 17th August at 20.30
Meet at the entrance to Staffordshire Wildlife Trust Wolseley Centre (no need to book).
Staffordshire Bat expert Jane will be be guiding us around the Wolseley Centre and giving us an insight into the species to be found there and the work of the Staffordshire Bats Group

All welcome so bring the kids or a friend – a £5 cash donation on the day in aid of the Staffordshire Bats Group please
Bat detectors will be available but if you do have one bring it along. Please wear stout footwear and bring a torch as the ground can be uneven in places.
For more on bats please check out the Bat Conservation Trust (This photo from their site).